The noncommercial “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” started its work in 2016 (although it was long-planned) and leading football specialists started to refer to its absolute need.
On the initiative of the honored football coach Anatoliy Buznik to create the NCO “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” enthusiastically came forward football specialists of the Football Federation of Ukraine, Ukrainian Premier League, Professional Football League and other colleagues from the common organizations from the abroad.
On 19th May 2016 in the House of Football in the capital of Ukraine was hold the extraordinary Congress of the “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” where managing executive committee and board were elected.
Yuriy Kalitvintsev was elected as the President of the Association by common consent and the General Secretary became Anatoliy Buznik – the organizer and the first President of the UFCA.
Among the participants of the extraordinaryCongress there were many well-known Ukrainian experts: Nikolay Pavlov, Jozsev Szabo,Vyacheslav Hroznyi, Anatoliy Demyanenko, Pavlo Yakovenko and other coaches. The creation of the Association was also supported by Andriy Shevchenko, Oleg Blokhin, Myron Markevitch, Sergiy Rebrov andYuriy Vernidub that were not present at the Congress.
The President of the Football Federation of Ukraine Andriy Pavelko took the floor and pledged his support to new beginning.
The new organization for our country, the NCO “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” will focus on world’s best practice, as far as similar professional organizations are performing in the majority of big football countries. The “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” is planning the strong partnership with the Football Federation of Ukraine, AEFCA (Alliance of European Football Coaches Associations) and organizers of Ukrainian football championships and other football associations.
The main purpose of the association is to enhance the status, image and prestige of the Ukrainian football coach. For its implementation, it is planned to hold a series of events that will significantly improve the protection, knowledge, professional growth of local football coaches.
The “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association”takes care of veterans. The organization initiated the creation of the museum “History and traditions of Ukrainian school of coaching” to save the outstanding names of Lobanovskiy, Prokopenko, Kucherevskiy for next generations.
Today the “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” has brought together several dozen leading national experts. On the roadmap, it is planned to create a network of all-Ukrainian association, hold a variety of events and perform further fruitful work for the benefit of the Ukrainian football.
On 7th December 2016 the I regular Congress of the “All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association” took place in Kyiv and started with the report of the Association’s General Secretary Anatoliy Buznik on the activities of the organization in 2016 and also there was taken series of decisions intended to achieving goals and tasks that the Association will face in 2017.
Furthermore, the I regular Congress by common consent elected Nikolay Pavlov as the President of the“All-Ukrainian Football Coaches Association”.